Andrii Moiseiev

December 16, 2021
At Wayfair, we operate at a massive scale, which has led to tremendous growth over the last decade. During this time, we have increased our traffic more than twenty-fold. To keep pace and fulfil our technology platform needs, scaling has been vital. In fact, it’s been at the core of everything we do throughout this timeframe.
13 Min Read
July 22, 2021
In earlier installments we covered how our cloud journey started, talked about testing and validation, and discussed internal processes that positioned us for making rapid iterations and helped to achieve predictable delivery.
6 Min Read
June 21, 2021
As our journey continues, we have already covered testing at a smaller scale, learning throughout the process, and setting our ambitious goal to move Wayfair Storefront to the cloud!
5 Min Read
June 4, 2021
In the previous installment, we talked about testing smaller components first, expanding the scope gradually, and learning more about the platform of choice in the process.
5 Min Read
May 26, 2021
Have you ever wondered how engineering teams tackle the challenge of ensuring reliability and performance amid increasing site traffic? If so, I hope the information in this four-part series will be of interest to you.
4 Min Read