
Behind the Box with Herlin Languasco Sterling

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Great leadership and a dedication to excellence can make all the difference in a fast-paced environment. Herlin Languasco Sterling, Team Lead in the Receiving Department at our Jacksonville, FL facility, exemplifies both. Herlin’s commitment to growth and customer satisfaction has set her apart, earning well-deserved recognition.

“Herlin has come a long way in her dedication to ensuring that whichever customer we are servicing is taken care of, whether that be our Bulk Putaway team or our outside customers,” shared Joshua Davis, Warehouse Supervisor. “It’s been a pleasure to watch her growth and work alongside her as she continues to dedicate her attention to learning the proper process to most effectively lead her team and bring the best experience to our customers as possible.”

Read on to learn more about Herlin’s journey and the impact she makes every day at Wayfair.

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What project or accomplishment are you most proud of in your time here?
One of my proudest accomplishments is having the courage to step outside my comfort zone and transition from Wayfair’s Middle Mile department to the Receiving department. While I felt comfortable in my original role, I realized I was no longer growing into the leader I aspired to be; I was ready to transition to a different area of the company to learn something new. This change brought on new challenges that were admittedly a little scary at the time, but I was able to face them and rise to the occasion with help and guidance from my new Supervisor and Operations Manager. I am proud of myself for what I have learned and how far I have come.

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What’s your favorite thing about working in one of Wayfair’s warehouses? 
One of my favorite things about working in the warehouse is that the management really cares about your growth. They always have your success in mind and provide constructive feedback on your strengths and where you have room to improve.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received, and how has it impacted you?
A piece of advice that has stuck with me is to believe in myself. My supervisor always told me "I know you can do it, I trust you to do it, you just need to believe in yourself," and that changed my way of thinking entirely.

What’s one fun fact about you that most people don’t know?
A fun fact about me is that I am an actress and went to school for three years in the Dominican Republic to take acting classes.

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What does “home” mean to you? 
Home to me means love, peace, comfort and caring. Home is the love I share with my family who mean the world to me, the peace that comes with knowing my children are happy and have a warm and welcoming place to come back to and the comfort and caring that comes with having the ability to provide safety and joy to them.

What’s your favorite Wayfair product that you’ve purchased? 
I love all of my Wayfair's products, but my favorite is definitely my Orren Ellis Avdain dining table.
