Wayfair was founded in 2002 by engineers and is, at its heart, a technology company -- one that's focused on solving the difficult problems associated with selling a zillion products online (well, officially just over 4 million at the time this was written).
The retail industry is not new -- it's been around for over a thousand years. But the Internet is now revolutionizing retail, and we've had the good fortune of being at the center of that revolution for over nine years, so far. It's a business of a thousand details, which all add up to present significant challenges in terms of logistics, scalability and performance.
We're immersed in a world of rapid development, continuous deployment, and risk tolerance. We tend to build rather than buy, embrace change and apply elbow grease. Nothing is impossible, especially if Red Bull is involved. And we try to have as much fun as possible along the way.
We're very proud of our accomplishments so far, but we're by no means "done" nor do we have all the answers -- and that's the fun part -- because the world-class team of Internet engineers we've assembled (and are still assembling, hint hint) are passionate about trying to figure things out, being challenged, and are not afraid to fail.
So it's with great excitement that we present this engineering blog (a long time coming). We're looking forward to being an active citizen in the greater Internet engineering community; sharing our successes, our on-going challenges and even our failures. We're hoping to inspire, engage, impress and above all, learn.
Mike O'Hara, VP of Engineering