

October 11, 2023
When Wayfair thinks of the cloud, we see a massive world-class “development accelerator” that dramatically reduces the friction for developers to provision, build, and create the things they want without having to toil with the underlying infrastructure to “wire up” those concepts. When we think of cloud innovation, we think of Google, which is at the forefront thanks to its focus on innovation.
10 Min Read
June 15, 2023
As a scientist at Wayfair, Sachin Chhabra is helping fulfill the company’s mission of enabling customers to create their own sense of home. To this end, Chhabra utilizes state of the art machine learning techniques to surface relevant product recommendations to customers.
5 Min Read
December 12, 2022
You’ll be hard-pressed to find a business area that’s garnered more attention over the last 2+ years than the supply chain. Just recently, Wayfair CTO Fiona Tan spoke about the supply chain at the FORTUNE Brainstorm A.I. 2022 event in San Francisco, where the focus was, you guessed it, artificial intelligence (AI). More specifically, how businesses are shifting from dabbling in A.I. to putting it into the hands of every worker.
1 Min Read
September 28, 2012
These days, in the big data community, we often hear how biologists have adopted and are using distributed computing technologies that were first introduced to solve problems in software engineering. The fact that Wayfair has done the inverse and used a tool initially developed to help biologists cluster similar proteins together to solve a problem in e-commerce, piqued the curiosity of Information Week magazine, who asked us for an interview about our February blog post on using Markov clustering for generating recommendations http://tech.wayfair.com/recommendations-with-markov-clustering/. Read the interview here https://www.informationweek.com/big-data/big-data-analytics/online-retailer-uses-dna-research-to-connect-with-customers/d/d-id/1106475
1 Min Read